Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Phobia time!

Some fears are easy to understand. For example, a fear of spiders is perfectly rational (they are ugly and creepy and will lay eggs in your mouth and there's a spider behind you RIGHT NOW). So's a fear of clowns (I've only read a plot summary of 'It', and I'm still scared of Pennywise), or a fear of heights (as long as by 'heights' you mean 'more than two feet off the ground').
There are other fears, however, that defy explanation. Fears that are completely, utterly irrational... And, what's more, absolutely ridiculous.
Here are some of my favorites:

Ephebophobia - fear of youths






Paraskavedekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th




Pteronophobia - fear of getting tickled by feathers






Anablephobia - fear of looking up







Anthrophobia - fear of flowers





 Arithmophobia - fear of numbers





 Barophobia - fear of gravity




Dextrophobia - fear of objects on the right side of the body





 Euphobia - fear of hearing good news





Geniophobia - fear of chins





Pogonophobia – fear of beards





Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia – Fear of long words.



  1. I laughed at "Lancaster". Also, I know a guy who has Phasmaculaphobia - a fear of spiral staircases.

    1. But how could anyone be afraid of them? They're the awesomest kind of stairs! Especially if they have a large, slide-downable bannister...

  2. Replies
    1. To be honest, the guy probably has a very good reason to run away from Sunnydale High, even if he WEREN'T afraid of youths.
